Recently, I've gone back and played a bunch of the Mass Effect 2 DLC that I'd bought but never got around to. I'd forgotten how fun the game is and it's got me totally hyped up for Mass Effect 3. I love how this series carries through all of your decisions into the next game. Of course the downside is that I if I want to start a new character so that my Shepard doesn't look like Delonte West, I pretty much have to start from Mass Effect 1 so I can have all my decisions carry over to ME2. I refuse to not have Wrex live, since he's totally my Krogan BFF.
Homiez 4 Lyfe!
Maybe in the run up to ME3, I'll do a complete run-through from the beginning with a jerk female Shepard so I can see the differences from my nice guy male Shepard and have the whole story fresh in my mind when it's time to continue.